Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Ottawa: University of Ottawa Censors Movie Night

Since September 2005 every friday night around 100 students, activists, University staff and, community members would get together to watch a movie and provide discourse afterwards. The series Ottawa Cinema Politca was a free movie night which brought in underground political documentaries for whoever wished to come. The movie night was held on the University of Ottawa campus and attempted to be as accessible as possible.

The movie night was run by activist Professor Denis Rancourt, a tenured physics professor. He was the Professor who ran the famous Activist Course which talked about political activism and brought in high profile speakers such as Malalia Joya outspoken Afghan MP, political experts as well as, community workers. It was a extremely popular course needing the largest auditorium in the university. However, the university administration stopped the course from running again despite widespread student and public support.

The new University of Ottawa President Allan Rock has come in with a stance against the free movie night cancelling it and refusing allowing it to occur on the University of Ottawa Campus. Dozens of letters have been sent directly to the President demanding the reinstatement of the movie night. The University's position is that Cinema Politica failed to provide Deaf access to the events. Prof. Rancourt had tried to apply for interpreters from the University who refused to provide them. Prof. Rancourt did eventually find deaf access provided by the student federation.

To read more about what is happening read U of O Watch. To contact President Allan Rock email president@uOttawa.ca or allan.rock@uottawa.ca

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